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Argus Meadous

Far from a simple shepherd, Argus Meadous is a country gentleman who understands the finer things in life. Toward that end, he raises his own livestock, and cultivates many of his own gardens and orchards so the foods he prepares for the family table are impeccably fresh and artfully delicious. And he shares his good taste – the extraordinary dinner parties he throws are true to Grecian legend, with bountiful banquets that delight late into the night with course after course of culinary wonders.

Argus Meadous 's Recipes

Rolled Lamb Souvlaki

Delicious balls of Lamb & Sweet Potato Pâté crusted with the golden baked goodness of Lamb & Lentil crumbles. To perfectly round out the dish, it’s all carefully balanced with a smattering of hearty Bac’n Chedd-a-Rollies for the ultimate savory finish.
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Meadous Family Pastitada

Our delightful family recipe that’s a take on the classic “Stew from Corfu.” It takes shape by mounding islands of carefully cooked Beef & Barley Pâté alongside an ambling knoll of crunchy wholesome Lamb & Lentil nuggets, then it’s all backed with a small round of fresh, delicious Beef-a-Rollies.
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Lamb & Chicklava Apollo

Crunchy baked golden morsels of Lamb & Lentil carefully layered with rich strata of Chicken & Duck Pâté, stacked high, and garnished with a sunburst of savory Chick-a-Rollie bits.
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Moussaka Medallions

Delightful disks of pressed Bonnihill Farms TurkiBowls ringed with toasted Lamb & Lentil nuggets. The finishing touch: soft, cheesy Bac’n-Chedd-a-Rollie treats.
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